An old idea may help solve the problem of plastic waste 一个老方法也许可以帮助解决塑料垃圾的问题
Apart from recyclable waste, everything is buried or incinerated, only to pollute the environment. Plastic waste remains underground for several decades. 除一些可循环利用的垃圾之外,其余废弃物都是通过填埋或燃烧的方式进行处理,这样一来势必污染环境。塑料垃圾被深埋地下几十年都无法降解。
Dismantling a worn-out oil vessel without washing the cabins, discharging the pollutants, clearing the cabins, and conducting explosion tests; or Biological Contact Oxidation Process for Plastic Waste Dismantling Wastewater 废油船未经洗舱、排污、清舱和测爆即行拆解的;生物接触氧化法处理废塑料拆解综合污水
Technical analysis on environmental pollution and reuse of plastic waste 废旧塑料的环境污染与资源化技术分析
Biological Contact Oxidation Process for Plastic Waste Dismantling Wastewater 生物接触氧化法处理废塑料拆解综合污水
Study of Halogen Heat Release of Halogen-Containing PVC Plastic Waste 含卤废PVC塑料热解脱卤技术的研究
Plastic waste is swamping Asia's landfills, and some ends up at sea, harming marine life. 塑料垃圾正在使亚洲的垃圾堆陷入困境。其中一些最终到达海洋,威胁到海洋生命。
Up to10 tons of plastic waste, such as shopping bags and parts of appliances, toys, computers and office equipment can be fed into the recycling machine a day. 每天可以向再循环机器中投放高达10吨的塑料废物,比如购物袋,器械,玩具,电脑和办公设备零部件。
In this paper the recycle of polystyrene foamed plastic waste was studied. 本文对废旧聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料的再生利用进行了研究。
Most of the plastic waste that ends up in the ocean comes from land. 大多数流到海洋中的塑料废物来自陆地。
In this paper, the effects of waste aerated plastic in waste water treatment is discussed, the results show that the treatment of life sewage with three-dimensional electrode can be applied. 本文对废旧泡沫塑料在采用电解处理生活污水中的吸附作用进行探讨,并以其良好的反应效果说明能在三维电极处理生活污水中得以应用,实现变废为宝。
Not only does it keep the city clean, the center provides income for thousands of poor people who are reimbursed for collecting plastic waste. 该回收中心不仅能使城市保持清洁,同时也给成千上万捡拾塑料垃圾的穷人带来了收益。
The railroad cross-ties will be made entirely of a plastic composed of recycled materials from both consumer and industrial plastic waste. 另外,桥上的铁轨枕木将全部使用由消费/工业行业的塑料废料合成的可回收材料制作,Axion公司还宣称这种材料制作的枕木比传统的木焦油枕木的耐久性更好。
After warnings from environmentalists, governments in Asia are beginning to address the problem of plastic waste. 环保人士提出警告后,亚洲的政府开始着手对付塑料垃圾问题。
The influence of thermokinetics characteristics of plastic waste on PAH formation by TGA-FTIR analysis 热重-红外联用分析塑料垃圾热动力学特性对多环芳烃生成的影响
With the increasing use of one-off plastic product, the pollution results from the plastic waste has become more and more serious. 随着塑料产量的迅速增长和一次性塑料的大量使用,塑料废弃物造成的环境污染(白色污染)越来越严重。
It was also proved that the key of the packaging waste management was the plastic packaging waste. 提出目前我国包装废物管理的重点应是塑料类包装废物。
New technics of reclaim of plastic waste overseas 国外废旧塑料回收新工艺
Controlling way of plastic waste pollution 废旧塑料污染的防治途径
: Case studies in Shanghai showed marked over-packaging of products in market, notable rising trend of plastic packaging waste in domestic waste, bad market management in current waste collection system, and no embodiment of source-producer-s responsibility for retrieving the waste. 对上海的实证研究表明,市场上过度包装倾向较明显,生活垃圾中以塑料为代表的包装废物产生量呈明显上升趋势;
The municipal life waste is inevitable castoff in human daily life, and basis of life waste have refuse in kitchen, waste paper, waste plastic, waste fabric, waste glass, vert, ash and dust, tile, metal and so on. 城市生活垃圾是人类在日常生产生活中不可避免地产生的废弃物,其主要成分有厨余物、废纸、废塑料、废织物、废玻璃、草木、灰土、砖瓦、金属等。
During recent 10 years, the raising tendency of the portion of plastic package waste in the component of Shanghai urban domestic garbage was obvious especially. 近10年来上海城市生活垃圾组分中,以塑料为代表的包装废物的组分份额上升趋势尤为显著;
The reclamation and recycle of polystyrene foamed plastic waste 废聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料的回收利用
Research on Application of Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic to Waste Container 玻璃纤维增强塑料应用于垃圾集装箱的研究
Prospect and Current Situation of Technologies for Converting Plastic Waste to Oil in China 我国废塑料油化技术的应用现状与前景
The maximum liquid product yield rate is over 80% with the research octane number 82 for the gasoline. A cracking reaction model is developed and the guidance of this research to the technology of turning the plastic waste to oil is discussed as well. 同时探讨了本研究对废塑料油化技术的指导作用应用此催化剂液体收率可达80%以上,汽油辛烷值为82(RON)
Plastic, which has characteristics of durable, corrosion-resistant, easy processing and excellent molding, has become one of important materials of social life. Meanwhile, the total increases of plastic waste also constitute a serious threat to environment. 塑料材料由于具有耐用、抗腐蚀、易于成型加工等优良特性,已经成为生产生活的主要材料之一,由此产生的大量废塑料对环境构成日益严重的威胁。
A small amount of air was injected into the bio-packing towers for removing H2S. The bio-packing towers were filled with plastic waste and compost respectively, and they also supplied the desulfurization bacterium. 在生物填料塔脱硫实验中,采用塑料垃圾和堆肥两种填料,并向填料塔中通入适量空气进行实验。
Nowadays, with the shortage of resources and the ever-increasing pollution from non-degraded plastic waste, searching and developing a cheap material based on renewable energy is impending. 当今,资源的日益短缺以及非降解高分子材料造成的环境污染日益严重,寻找和开发廉价、可降解高分子材料已迫在眉睫。